the band


rap-numetal hard rock crossover

Monday, December 28, 2009

Nyomd Meg a Gombot!

- the lyrics of the only song that is completely finished so far.

Nyomd Meg a Gombot!

Na nézd már, a Lángelme mindjárt robban,
A derekán tíz kiló cénégyes,
És ha nem csalódom, ő is itt bent veszett el,
Ahol túl sok az álom és kevés a hely.

De mindegy, mert az észérvet a lelkével együtt
Már eladta az Ördögnek, az is már petyhüdt,
Unja az egészet, mindig ez az üzem:
Mindenki csak robbantgat, de nincs meg az ütem.

Nyomd meg a gombot! ...ha tudod még hol van,
Keresd meg a zsebedben és suttogd el halkan:

"Szent célért küzdök" -de ki tudja, mi az?
Mindenkinek más és más, meg ami marad.
A szükség önbecsapást szül és hibákat halmoz,
Nyugodj már meg végre! Ülj le egy falhoz, vagy-

Nyomd meg a gombot! X4

Remeg a kezed? Mondjad: mi kell?
Hány pofont kérsz még? Mostmár menni kell!
Vagy állj meg a vízben, nekem mindegy,
De én elhúzok innen, te meg csak közben-

Nyomd meg a gombot! X4


Nyomd meg a gombot! (soft) X4
Nyomd meg a gombot! (loud) X4

Good News and Bad News

so my tape of the concert video got stolen along with the whole camera...
but Szasa has another record which im planing on getting from him, but it might not be as good as mine was cuz his camera is a bit older and all that...
here is the whole band, finally on one picture:

yeah, we look silly, but we are proud

Friday, October 30, 2009

Deák Ferenc Bilingual High School Freshmen's Ball

Yes, our first performance.
13th, November
...Friday, 13th. So wish us luck.

Szasa - lead vocals - Mijatovic Alexandar
Steve - rap, back vocals - Miksi István
Chad - lead guitar - Maróti Csanád
Cirp - rithm guitar - Szabó Kristóf
Benji - bass guitar - Kómár Benjamin
Taki - percussion - Takács Gergő

We are gonna ply 3 songs.
- Stay Away from Nirvana
- Nyomd Meg a Gombot (Push the Button)
- and another song. we dont even know the title. (and the whole song isnt even complete, yet)

We will upload some pictures and all that, too, as soon as i get to the internet again...

other news: we have become a school-band. lame.
but maybe Cirp will write something "amazing" about that, cuz he is like a dog chasing his tail about that...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A new title


Later you can read more truth about life and ....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Steve & PEZ

Right now we stand as
our new rapper-singer: István Miksi aka Steve
and possible bassist Márk Nagymihály aka PEZ

we are working on songs, and we are finishing songs and all that... it takes time
pictures are comin up from the concert in South Park, too...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

South Park

The famous band, called Riot Van, was performing in South Park over the weekend. It was the biggest hit since Woodstock. The party only stopped, when somebody threw Kenny up the stage and Cirp smashed his head into pieces on a Marshal amp...
Yes, we killed Kenny.

R.I.P. Kenny

Friday, March 13, 2009


So, we are still looking for a bassist and a singer, but now we have pictures.
I also ask Taki, to put the picture up, that he edited . khm-taki-khm
and here we are, admire us:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Bassist(s!)

Unfortunately our bassist, Beni left the band, but one of my friends will take his position and i hope he will stay for a longer time. His name is Máté "Devortex" Vágvölgyi.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yes, new drummer!

One step closer to be complete.
Gergő "Taki" Takács is now our drummer.
And our first practice is gonna be on Thursday. We're probably gonna take some photos so all 4 of us (so far) are gonna be on that certain picture...
Now, if anyone finds a singer hiding under a rock or in a bush... CALL ME!!!
thank you

Monday, January 12, 2009

New drummer?

we possibly going to have a drummer... soon. and there will be no mercy.
after us is rigor mortis!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Across the wild river

Across the wild river
And the river falls
The wild river can take away
Your life and boat.
I can't stand
And I hate
When the river
carries a dead body against me.
The wild river easily
Take your boat to the nowhere
Only the fish can survive
This sarcophagh of life.
This will
Be scared
Across the wild river
And the nightmare.
So this is the new lyrics written by me (cirp).

Friday, January 2, 2009

Írok Egy Számot

Írnom kéne
Még valamit
Még egy párat
Ami kábít

Valami szépet
Valami rondát
Mindegy az most
Rím kell hozzá

so long, thats all. maybe later...
im drunk, by the way